Research reports

Situation Analysis Study on Child Safeguarding Policy (parents, children and the education sector)
Recently, serious child abuse cases have sparked heated discussion in Hong Kong on how to fix loopholes in the child protection system to better protect children from family abuse. However, it is worth noting that children also face serious risks of harm in institutional contexts like schools, private tuition centres and interest classes.
To learn the level of child safety in education institutions from children’s perspective, Plan International Hong Kong commissioned Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute to conduct the first-ever Child Safeguarding Policy Research in education sector from March 2020 to April 2021. Given no official Child Safeguarding Policy regulations or framework in Hong Kong, Plan International Hong Kong developed a Child Safeguarding Policy framework with four dimensions and twenty standards following a comprehensive literature review of relevant legal requirements and guidelines from other jurisdictions. The framework was adopted throughout the study and was used to benchmark the implementation of CSP measures in Hong Kong.
Research summary:
Research report (Chinese version only)
- Survey report on opinions of parents and children on Child Safeguarding Policy
- Report on focus groups with parents and children Child Safeguarding Policy
- Survey report on opinions of education sector on Child Safeguarding Policy
- Report on in-depth interviews with education sector on Child Safeguarding Policy

Situation Analysis Study on Child Safeguarding Policy (sports organisations)
Plan International Hong Kong has conducted the first-ever Situation Analysis Research on Child Safeguarding Policy (CSP) in the sports sector. With 20 proposed child safeguarding policy standards developed with comprehensive literature review, this study attempts to benchmark the implementation of child safeguarding policy in local sports organisations against the global standards. It also aims at analysing the factors influencing the level of CSP implementation, including the understanding on child abuse, attitudes towards CSP and if any barriers exist which affect the level of CSP implementation. For more details, please see the executive summary and research summary.
If you are interested in reading the full research report, please kindly contact us.
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