Plan International advocacy initiatives on child safeguarding

Advocacy initiatives on child safeguarding

Plan International Hong Kong has been calling for action from all child-related organisations to set up their Child Safeguarding Policy (CSP) with an aim to minimise the potential harm to children in their operations and to provide children with a child-friendly and safe environment.

Apart from offering training and consultancy services to child-related organisations, Plan International Hong Kong also conducts local researches to understand the needs and opinions of different organisations, parents and children in regard to child safeguarding, and organises professional forums to exchange ideas with practitioners on how to ensure children’s safety with Child Safeguarding Policy with the purpose of drive societal changes with best evidence and multi-sectoral collaboration.


Research Report

To support the child safeguarding movement, Plan International Hong Kong is now conducting a situational analysis on child safeguarding policy in Hong Kong to understand its level of implementation and the opinions of different stakeholders. Please stay tuned to this website for updates on the research report.


Professional Training

Plan International Hong Kong organises professional forums to exchange ideas with practitioners on how to ensure children’s safety with Child Safeguarding Policy.


Press Release and media reports

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